• Question: does your job impact your social life?

    Asked by anon-174837 to Yewande, Tim, Alex on 18 Jun 2018.
    • Photo: Tim Craig

      Tim Craig answered on 18 Jun 2018:

      I’d say yes, it does. On the plus side, because I like my job, and the people I work with, it can form part of my social life. On the more negative side, I’ve had to move around a lot during the early part of my career, which whilst it makes for an exciting life, can make it difficult to maintain links with people you know.

    • Photo: Alex Seeney

      Alex Seeney answered on 18 Jun 2018:

      I have to work long hours, so yes it does sometimes. You get to know people who work in your department quite well, so it’s easy to be social when there are a few of you all working late!

    • Photo: Yewande Oyekenu

      Yewande Oyekenu answered on 19 Jun 2018:

      My job and my social life happen in the same place. I get to go to wonderful countries and beautiful hotels while presenting my discoveries to other scientists around the Globe. I use this period as a vacation from office work.
