• Question: What is the weirdest place your career has taken you

    Asked by anon-174778 to Alex, Melanie, Tim, Yewande on 22 Jun 2018.
    • Photo: Yewande Oyekenu

      Yewande Oyekenu answered on 22 Jun 2018:

      So far I have had to go and teach science in a public school at a remote village in Nigeria, the teachers taught the students in their local language, so when I went there to prepare them for their national exams (GCSE equivalent) they were confused with all my English grammar.
      I felt so bad. But I tried my best by teaching them English first before talking about the periodic table and charged ions.

    • Photo: Alex Seeney

      Alex Seeney answered on 22 Jun 2018:

      I don’t think I’ve ever been anywhere weird. I got to go to Iceland for a month though, that was pretty cool 🙂
