• Question: what things do you experiment with

    Asked by anon-173974 to Tim, Melanie on 11 Jun 2018.
    • Photo: Tim Craig

      Tim Craig answered on 11 Jun 2018:

      I don’t really do experiments, in the way that you’re probably familiar with from school, as such. Much of my work involves observing and understanding earthquakes that have happened. Given we can’t control the occurrence of earthquakes, it is quite hard to ‘construct’ specific experiments – but on the plus side, we have the entire Earth to act as our laboratory

    • Photo: Melanie Hannah

      Melanie Hannah answered on 11 Jun 2018:

      The Biomedical Science researchers look at living cells to determine normal and abnormal behaviour. We use various tools to look at the behaviour, such as lasers and microscopes to be able to see the components of cells and how they behave. We also use fruit flies, for example to discover whether different diets affect healthy aging.
      When I was in the lab , I used to make polymers and attach biological compounds to them, such as the antibacterial contact lenses that can treat eye infections.
